SAGEA QNE: Youth Employment – Broadening your reach!
We’ve recently overheard conversations on the perception that graduate programmes are becoming smaller, more focussed, and in some cases elitist – selecting only from the cream of the crop. The reality across our SAGEA employer community is that we can account for about 10 000 vacancies – way short of the 180 000+ students that graduate each year! There is an increasingly compelling case for employers to consider youth employment more holistically – so not only graduate programmes but other programme types as well – be it learnerships, internships, apprenticeships etc.
Standard Bank has, for a long time, focussed on the larger pool of candidates and more recently started pulling this together in a programmatic way to support the business, youth unemployment and the economy. Join us as we unpack this journey and learn more about how to:
- Use youth development programmes to broaden graduate access to job opportunities
- Create integration between youth development offerings
- Explore sponsoring opportunities beyond the organisation