SAGEA QNE: Benchmarking Feedback DBN
We have pleasure in inviting you to join us for our annual Quarterly Networking Event where we share the 2023 Best Practice in Graduate Employment and Candidate Insights. Tim Wise of HighFliers will be presenting our results.
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn about:
- Graduate labour market trends and the outlook for 2024
- How leading employers are attracting and retaining the best young talent
- Application levels compared to vacancies available
- How Employers and Candidates have adapted to hybrid work and what we can expect for graduate employment in the short to medium term
- The 2023 Shortlisted Employers of Choice, Best Career Fair and Best Career Service
Join this informative QNE in your region to find out more and benchmark your programme against some of the largest and most well-respected brands in South Africa!
Note: No cost to SAGEA members