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Nelson Mandela University

Organisation TypeHigher Education Institution
AboutWe host employers for participation in our annual graduate recruitment events. These include Computing Sciences and Information Technology Careers Fair, Law Recruitment Programme, Graduate Recruitment Programme, Showcases, General Careers Fair, Accounting and Law Day. According to the 2019 SAGEA Employer Survey, we ranked Top 8 Careers Service and Careers Fair.
Partnership OfferingAdvertising in the Career Service Guide/Handbook, Employers are welcome to email adverts to us, Bursaries and/or Scholarships, Book facilities (e.g. for interviews), Career Fairs, Employer Showcases, On-campus presentations, Mock Interview Programme, CV Workshops, University Sponsorships
ContactRonel Rizzo, Noxolo Gqirana, Amy Jooste
Tel041 504 2951 / 041 5044 398 / 041 504 2619
LocationGraduate & Student Placement; Nelson Mandela University, South Campus; Main Building; Ground Floor; University Way; Summerstrand; Port Elizabeth; 6001