The voice of the South African Graduate Employer
Organisations that are invested in graduate employment in SA.
Specialists across talent management, recruitment, higher education, and professional development.
Members who recommend SAGEA to friends and colleagues.
SAGEA strives to be the voice of the South African Graduate Employer. We are a community of professionals who specialise in attracting, recruiting, developing and retaining graduate talent. We provide the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals, access the latest resources and insights, and learn from global best practice to elevate the field of graduate employment in South Africa.
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South Africa’s graduate development imperative
14/01/2025NewsRecruiting graduates and employing them through structured development programmes is vital, and not only in terms of impact on youth ... Read More
Career Service Dashboard
28/04/2021Careers Service, Dashboards, Education Landscape and Higher Education, FeaturedSAGEA keeps an up-to-date calendar of the universities’ academic calendar and Career Fairs. Members can access the dashboard for all ... Read More
Why you need an early talent programme
30/07/2023Strategic Planning, Strategy Development and Business Case, free download, SAGEA toolkit, StrategyBy 2030, there will be a shortage of 85.2 million skilled workers globally, costing near $8.5 trillion in lost revenue ... Read More
I'm a student

Quantify Your Future is a SAGEA-affiliated platform focused on emerging careers for students seeking career advice, funding for their studies, and graduate programmes with some of South Africa’s top employers of choice.
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A website dedicated to showcasing SAGEA Employer Award winning companies and providing graduates and students quick access to more information about their programmes and how to apply.
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