In an increasingly interconnected world, understanding and appreciating diverse cultures is essential for personal and professional success. Discover how Cultural …
Recording: Learning to lead and Leading to learn
SAGEA’s latest Graduate Attrivutes Webinar, titled Learning to lead and Leading to learn – how to develop your young leaders, …
Recording: Graduate Attributes Webinar: Financial Literacy
The recording of our Graduate Attributes Webinar: Financial Literacy is now available. The session included powerful findings observed across top …
Recording of SAGEA Graduate Attributes Webinar: Designing and implementing digital skills learning pathway for all students
Prof Francois Strydom and Lauren Oosthuizen explored what digital skills and competencies are, how the UFS has designed and implemented a digital skills learning pathway for all students, and how they are measuring it.
SAGEA Webinar Recording: Mental Health: The Missing Ingredient for Graduate Success?
The recording of this webinar is available to members for viewing. The World Health Organisation estimates that twelve billion working …
Recording: Delivering a new kind of graduate – 17 March 2022
This instalment in our Graduate Attributes webinar series features a recording that delves into the ongoing efforts of UFS to …
Recording – Unpacking Graduate Attributes Webinar 3: Creativity and Critical Thinking is now available
As we prepare for a steady increase in roles that require analytical and interpersonal skills, our need to collaborate with …
Recording: Unpacking Graduate Attributes: Webinar One: ICT/Digital Literacy
As we prepare for a steady increase in roles that require analytical and interpersonal skills, our need to collaborate with …
Recording – Unpacking Graduate Attributes Webinar 2: Curiosity is now available
Graduates entering the workplace are facing a new reality – both in terms of their professional and personal lives. They …